Monday, January 24, 2011

club penguin trainer

Published on January 1, 2011 in CP Blizzard and Club Penguin Trainers. 74 Comments
Hi everyone,We’ve just released the CP Blizzard update 1.1. If you haven’t downloaded CP Blizzard yet, go to the CP Blizzard page and click “Download CP Blizzard” below the first image.If you have already downloaded CP Blizzard, the program will open up our auto-updater and download the new program. The download process will take up to 5 minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection, so don’t exit the auto updater if you think it’s taking too long!We’ve been listening to your support emails and comments for the time since we launched CP Blizzard. The most common issues have been:
IT’S A VIRUS1!1 - CP blizzard is not a virus. Norton flags it as a virus for some people, because Norton is an overall horrible anti-virus and overreacts a *lot*. The virus it claims CP Blizzard is, “WS.Reputation.1″, is a common false positive. We download a file from our website, which gets an updated list of unpatched items, and Norton thinks the program is a virus just because of that. Stupid, right? The update will fix that issue. We’ve virus scanned the trainer using 42 different anti-virus programs on, and none of them find any viruses.
I can’t install it, I don’t have administrator access! - We’re changing how the program installs so that it does not require administrator access.
Add more mascots that I can change into! - Okay, we’ve added the rest of the penguin band and the Fire Sensei.
Where’s the change name button?!? – Our fault — we forgot to put the button in the final release. We’ve readded it in this update. We’ve still got a lot on our to-do list, and we’ll be releasing some awesome updates soon.Have fun with CP Blizzard!- andyh2, CP Blizzard creator & coder
CP Blizzard Available for Download
Published on December 30, 2010 in CP Blizzard and Club Penguin Trainers. 60 Comments Our first Club Penguin Trainer, CP Blizzard, is now available for download now on its page. Please report all bugs, and suggested features by posting a comment or sending us an email through the contact page.We hope you enjoy CP Blizzard and our Club Penguin Trainers.


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