Monday, January 31, 2011

Commands for the Holiday!
Posted on October 5, 2010 by Cyborg
Hello! Halloween is approaching as all of you know…There are a few iCP Commands you may not know about that you can use to spook your friends for the holiday! !MP blendMode add This command will make you look ghostly … Continue reading →

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Posted on September 16, 2010 by Cyborg
Hello everyone! For the next week everyone that plays iCP has the ability to become a mascot. So of you may ask: Well what is a mascot? Examples of mascots on Club Penguin are: Rockhopper, Gary, Aunt Arctic, Sensei, Cadence, … Continue reading →

Posted in iCP Commands | 44 Comments
New iCP Commands
Posted on September 8, 2010 by Cyborg
Hello! New iCP Commands out today! These are for the new Chaos server, ”The Mobocracy”. Remember not to go over 500 height or width, or you will be banned. (working on a fix) Invert yourself This command will allow yourself to be … Continue reading →

Posted in iCP Commands | 15 Comments
Website Updates!
Posted on August 15, 2010 by Roman
Hello! I have updated iCP Cheats a lot over these past few days, adding more content. I highly recommend you check out new/updated pages I added: I added a new page on how to become a moderator in iCP, check … Continue reading →

Posted in Site News, iCP Cheats, iCP Commands | Tagged club penguin icp commands, how to be a mod in icp, how to be a moderator in iclub penguin, iclub penguin, Icp cheats, icp commands, icpv3, icpv3 cheats | 3 Comments
Igloos Work + New Igloo Commands
Posted on July 30, 2010 by Roman
Hello, First off, igloos finally work. So now you can buy furniture items and unlock your igloo, which is awesome. And with the new igloo, comes some awesome new commands. This next command will allow you to add igloo furniture: … Continue reading →

Posted in iCP Cheats, iCP Commands | Tagged iclub penguin commands, iclubpenguin, iclubpenguin cheats, iclubpenguin commands, Icp cheats, icp commadns, icp commands, iCP v3, icpv3 | 17 Comments
New iCP Command !PING
Posted on July 18, 2010 by Roman
Hello! There’s a new iCP command, !PING. It’s very simple, all you do is type in !PING and if you are connected to the server iCP Bot will respond with “Pong”. This is if maybe you’re not sure if you … Continue reading →

Posted in iCP Cheats, iCP Commands | Tagged iclub penguin commands, iclubpenguin cheats, iclubpenguin cheea, icp commands, icpv3 | 6 Comments
New iCP !PIN Command!
Posted on July 14, 2010 by Roman
Hello! There’s a new command out, and it allows you to change your PIN to any item in Club Penguin, yeah it’s kinda weird. So the code is very simple, let’s say you want your PIN to be a Hawaiian … Continue reading →

Posted in iCP Cheats, iCP Commands | Tagged i club penguin commands, iclub penguin cheats, iclubpenguin cheats, iclubpenguin commands, iclubpenguin v3, Icp cheats, icp commands, iCP v3 | 5 Comments
New iCP Teleport Command!
Posted on July 13, 2010 by Roman
Hello! There is a new iCP command, teleport! This command will allow you to teleport to ANY area in iCP. The code is: !JR 110 That would teleport you to the Coffee Shop. The Coffee Shop’s ID is 110, so … Continue reading →

Posted in iCP Cheats, iCP Commands | Tagged iclub penguin cheats, iclub penguin commands, iclubpenguin cheats, iclubpenguin commands, Icp cheats, icp commands, icp teleport, icp v3 cheats | 9 Comments
New iCP v3 Command Released! Add Coins!
Posted on July 11, 2010 by Roman
Hello, Awesome news. There’s a new command in iCP! It allows you to add coins to your account. This is awesome because it was a major feature that v2 was missing. You can get coins by typing in !AC 5000 … Continue reading →

Posted in iCP Cheats, iCP Commands | Tagged Icp cheats, icp commands, icp item command, icp money cheat, icp money hack | 3 Comments
New Pages
Posted on June 20, 2010 by Roman
Hello! I have added two new pages, but most importantly, ‘iCP Commands’. On that page it has all of the iCP Commands, so check it out! And have fun using some commands! -Roman

Posted in Site News, iCP Commands | 6 Comments Search for:
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