Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I lost my connection?

There are many reasons why you might lose your Internet connection. You might reconnect once and then not have a problem again. But if it keeps happening, there are a few things you can try to help the problem:
1. This might be a problem on Club Penguin's end, not yours. The server might be offline so that Club Penguin can update or work on the website. If you can get to the Club Penguin home page, click on “What's New.” You can find important news there about what's happening on the site.

2. Club Penguin might be very busy. Any time a new pin is hidden or a party is going on, lots of people log on at the same time. Friday afternoons are very busy, too. Try playing at a different time of day when things are not as busy.

3. Try logging on to a different Club Penguin server. You might find a server that is not as busy as the one you were on before.

4. You might be playing from a slow computer. Try playing from a faster computer, if you can. Or read My connection is slow? to learn some ways you might be able to make your computer run faster.
5. If you have a wireless connection to the Internet, check to see that you have a “Very Good” or “Excellent” connection. A poor wireless connection will cause you to lose connection.
6. If you are playing Club Penguin on a laptop, don't close the screen without logging out. This will cause you to lose your connection.

7. Your computer might have a firewall built into it. Operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, and Mac OS X have a firewall that might prevent you from logging on to Club Penguin. Talk to a parent about how to change the settings on your firewall.

8. If none of these things work, you should call your Internet Service Provider (ISP). That is the company that you pay to connect to the Internet. They might be using a firewall that is blocking the ports that lead to Club Penguin. When you call them, tell them to open up these ports for TCP traffic, inbound and outbound: 3724, 6112, 6113, and 9875. (Don't worry if this sounds strange to you—your ISP will know what you mean!)
ok bye :D

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