Monday, January 31, 2011

iClub Penguin (iCP) Trainer
NOTE: This page is from iCPv3, iCPv3 is offline, which means that the information in this page, is outdated.


The iCP trainer has finally been released! I will show you the full tutorial on how to use it, what it is, etc. This iCP trainer was made by Rile5. It is for Windows only.

NOTE: iCPv3 is over, so this trainer is broken, and will unfortunately, never work again.


In this tutorial we’ll go over the main features of iCP, and how it works.

First off, here is the interface:

As you can see, the iCP Trainer has several tabs, User, Functions, Adder, and then a special moderator-only tab. (we’ll get to that one later in the tutorial)

Let’s go over the Functions tab on the trainer.

When you click it you will have several options: My Player, Everyone, Buddies, Teleport, Make it Rain, Rainbow Puffle, Rainbow Penguin, Igloo, Follow Bot, Auto Friend.

We will quickly go over each one. (what it is and how to use it)

My Player

This will bring up a small window that displays a ton of your penguin’s data. (penguin color, room it’s current in, etc)


This will bring up a small window that will display every penguin is the room’s ID.


This will bring up a small window that will display all of your buddies, and their IDs.

A small box will come up that will allow you to choose where you can teleport, with a huge list of options.

Make it Rain

This will begin to add a bunch of coins to your account, a ton!

Rainbow Puffle

This feature will change your puffle’s color so quickly that it will look like a ”rainbow” puffle. (obviously you can’t see it in the screenshot, though)

Rainbow Penguin

Much like Rainbow Puffle, it will change your penguin’s color, so quickly that it will look like a ”rainbow”.


The Igloo feature is one of the best features in the iCP Trainer, you can edit your igloo, it’s floors, and add a specific piece of furniture, all in one easy to use window
Follow Bot

This is a very fun to use feature, when you turn it on, the next playercard you open, it will follow that person wherever they go.

Auto Friend

This feature will send a friend request to everyone you click.

And that’s it for the Functions tab, and onto the Adder tab!

The adder tab has three sub-tabs, Item Adder, Furniture Adder, and Stamp Adder.

Let’s review them.

Item adder

It will begin to add every item in Club Penguin to your inventory. (besides the beta hat, which you cannot get) It may take several minutes.

Furniture Adder

This will begin to add every furniture item in Club Penguin to your igloo inventory. It may take several minutes.

Stamp Adder

Much like the furniture and item adder, this will add every single stamp in Club Penguin to your inventory. May take several minutes.
That’s it for this tutorial, enjoy the iCP Trainer!

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